November 2, 2023 Seminar – A Simple Blueprint and Solid Business Plan For Having Your Own Resellers Business

A Five-Hour In-Person and Zoom Seminar, Presented By The Owners Of Sonoma County Sales

Thursday, November 2, 2023. 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (With A One-Hour Lunch Break — Plenty Of Places To Eat Nearby)

Looking for another date? We also have October 7, 2023 available

Cost is $275 to attend in person, and $240 for attending by Zoom.

Located at the Sonoma County Sales office and warehouses in Rohnert Park, CA.

Zoom participants will receive handouts and the Zoom login information a day or two before the meeting.

Instructors are Ed and Danise Mueller, owners.

After attending the seminar, participants will have the option to attend these follow-up opportunities:

Four-Hour In-Office / Warehouse Workshop (Five Students Per Workshop Maximum) $250 each workshop

Twenty-Hour Real-Time Course, Observing the Day-To-Day Business Operations of Acquiring Inventory, Listing Online, and Handling the Sales (Four Students Maximum)  $500 for 20 hours

Contact Danise at 509-840-0306 or Ed at 707-548-5250 (text is preferred) or email

The purpose of this seminar is to provide our attendees with a comprehensive, no-nonsense education and detailed “blueprint” on how to start, operate, and grow your own business, with minimal start-up capital, and no prior business experience required. I understand this may sound like “Just another seminar on how to be your own boss”, but I ask you to read this through. You will see it is quite to the contrary.

Before I do though, I also want to clarify we are not asking you to invest in our company, enter into some type of partnership, or join some “get-rich-quick venture”. Instead, we are telling you all about our seasoned and fully-functional business in detail, and teaching you every step on how to do it yourself, from the very start, to a fully successful operation—easily, quickly, and with little start-up cash.

To be most effective, we will be conducting this seminar onsite at our office and warehouses, enabling you to readily visualize in real-time what you’re learning, by actually seeing the full operation in process. See the facility, ask questions, and interact with the business owners.

There will also be comprehensive Q&A sessions during each event.

One question you may ask yourself after reading the above paragraphs is “if they have a successful business, then why are they willing to teach others all about it, letting us in on their ‘secrets’, and also adding in additional competition for them in the industry?”. The answer is there are no “secrets” in this business. Actually, secrets are rare in most businesses. And as for potentially adding more competition in the industry for ourselves, this is definitely not a factor either, since it would be difficult to saturate this market, and in most circumstances, businesses in this industry often work symbiotically—albeit still independently—enhancing each other’s business as a result.

Our motivation for conducting these seminars, workshops, and apprenticeships is two-tiered:

  1. It is a source of revenue for us. We are a for-profit business. We believe one hundred percent in our business and what we instruct, and conduct ourselves morally and ethically, knowing there is significant value in what we teach, but we are not claiming to be doing this for purely philanthropic reasons either. In other words, yes, we are doing it for the money, but assure you that you’ll definitely get your money’s worth, and more.
  2. If you elect to start your own business, it could be a potential new business contact for us, and since we would likely be in the same industry—and acquainted through the seminar—it would be highly probable we would do business together. After all, most of our suppliers are technically our “competition”, but in reality, they are anything but—instead actually augmenting each other’s business.

After our five-hour seminar and two subsequent four-hour workshops, you will be ready and fully qualified to start your own business—and succeed. If you desire to learn even more before you proceed on your own, you can enroll in our twenty-hour apprenticeship program, working alongside the owners in every aspect of business—from assessment, research, acquisition, listing, and sales.

The start-up capital required for this business is minimal, and you can operate your business out of your own home (if you desire to grow your business even more, you could of course eventually rent an office and small warehouse, but this would be up to you, based on the degree you want your business to grow). The start-up capital could be as little as $100, but could be more if you’d like. I will go further in depth on this matter shortly. You could also operate this business out of your home in perpetuity if you’d like, without expanding, and still generate significant income.

Next, we will tell you about the business we would teach you about—the business we are in and have been for many years.

We buy and sell (mostly used) items. This may sound rather generic—and even simple—at first glimpse, but by the time you read all about what we do, you’ll either know almost instantly if this is a business idea for you, or if it’s just not something you’d even remotely be interested in. After all, although one of our primary reasons for hosting this seminar is the revenue it will generate for us, we truly don’t want you paying for it and attending if it turns out not to be for you. So in an attempt to avoid such, we want to describe as many aspects of our business here as possible, in advance, so potential attendees can make a fully-informed decision as to whether they feel this seminar and business is appealing to them, and whether or not to sign up for it.

To elaborate in regards to our business, we purchase and resell mostly used items—pretty much anything, as long as it’s legal and not items which require a particular license or permit to sell. We acquire our inventory from a variety of sources: estate liquidations, business liquidations, wholesalers, internet sites and auctions, even garage sales and flea markets. We then resell these items through several different venues, including Craigslist, eBay, Etsy, Facebook, and several others—depending on the respective item we’re selling.

We are very selective in what we acquire though. We believe in taking time and researching the items we purchase, only acquiring inventory we are confident we can attain profit from its ultimate sale. Analyzing the item’s acquisition cost, shelf space to store it, time it will take to sell, and profit it will ultimately generate (also in relation to its acquisition cost).

In addition, when we post an item for sale, we take the time to describe it fully and accurately. We have a saying: when we list an item, make it a “superstar” for those moments. Only focus on it at the time. Describe everything about it—good and bad. Don’t become a “listing mill”, focusing solely on quantity. Focus on quality, and this will ultimately result in a successful, profitable, and sustainable business. Misrepresenting an item only results in wasted time, a possible return scenario, tension between the buyer and seller, and probable lost revenue (not to mention loss of a potential future customer). Be transparent from the onset, and a successful sale will follow. Similar to using a twenty-year-old photograph of yourself on a dating site; it may bring in some dates, but they most likely won’t end well. Often times buyers will accept flaws and issues with the product you’re selling—as long as they are fully disclosed up front—but they will not accept deception. The same would apply to that dating scenario. Some would gladly accept the twenty-year-older version, but not the subterfuge.

In our seminar and workshops, we will show you how to do this, and how to select the right items, as well as list them for sale, including how to handle the sale when it occurs. Learn from our prior mistakes and growing pains we have experienced prior, so you do not have to go through many of them yourself. Learn how we grew our business from just a few items being stored in a closet to thousands of items in two computer-cataloged warehouses.

Now again, some of the above paragraph may make sound like something you’ve done before or could easily do without any help or further assistance, which would then have you asking why you would even consider paying for a seminar which covers how to do “the obvious”. But if you read this through, you will see we have honed this down to a science. You can actually do this as a full-time job and attain a source of stable income. But you have to be careful when doing it. We started this years ago as a part-time job for additional income, and turned it into a nice-sized business, and of course full-time jobs.

There are some other benefits to this type of business. One is you can increase your investment in it incrementally. If you get a little extra money—even from sales and profit of your current inventory—or as you feel more confident about putting a little more money into your business based on results so far, you can purchase additional inventory. Maybe buy some more expensive inventory, or more inventory in general, both of which will ultimately result in more income.

This is a highly recession-resistant business as well. Purchase and sell what’s selling at the current time. During trying financial times, focus more on the basics, and during better times, you can step things up a bit, dabbling more into more optional items. However, always be aware, even during recessions, many people still have money—and are spending it.

If after reading all of this, you feel it may be a potential business venture for you, please sign up for the first seminar and see if it really is. If you attend the seminar, and want to learn even more, then you can go to the workshop, and even the subsequent apprenticeship if you desire. I can not guarantee it’s the business for you, but I can say two things: 1) It would be an appealing and enjoyable business for many, and 2) If you want to learn about this industry, it would be difficult to find a better way to do so than by attending our full program.

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